Monday, 31 December 2012

Goodbye 2012 Hello 2013

Again its been a long while since I have been on here, but I have not forgot about it.
Well its the last day of 2012 and its been an awesome year filled with growth and many adventures. So today is a day to look forward to the coming year and set intentions for myself in the new year.

I don't really like to call it making a resolution I feel like its so definitive and if you get off track for a lil bit then you feel more apt to give up. Where the word intention gives you some breathing room to make a couple mistakes and gives you a sense of time and space to get back on track and start fresh again. But that is just my personal interpretation of the definition so use whatever works for you.

One of my biggest intentions for myself in the coming year is to build on my self love and my self worth. I struggle with this almost daily. I feel everyone has insecurities and we all deal with them differently, but when they start affecting how you live your life and how much fun you are having it is a problem. There have  been days where I can't seem to find anything I like about myself, whether its the way I act, or the way I look. I admit it has gotten a lot better over the years and those days are fewer and farther between but it has taken a lot of work and self discovery and a lot of yoga. So My intention for the New Year is to continue working on the love for myself. Accepting and embracing myself and my awesomeness exactly as I am without changing anything about myself. Yes some days are going to be harder than others but that's life, and on those hard days I will give myself extra love and compassion.

So to kick off my intention for 2013 I am doing a 31 day yoga and meditation challenge. The goal for my challenge is not to change myself or to change my body, but to accept everything and embrace it exactly as it is.

What are your intentions for the New Year?

lots of love