Thursday, 5 July 2012


So its been a lil while since I posted, you know how life gets a crazy sometimes....

So its time to post. There has been a lot of different topics rollin around in my head lately. A lot about death and rebirth and not in necessarily the physical way, but even just changes in life. The past week I moved out of my apartment in the city and back in with my parents for the summer till my house is ready. Giving up my apartment in the city was tougher than I thought it would be. The convenience of work being closer and your own privacy is tough to live with out. This was a decision I didn't totally get to choose, but its easier to save money when you don't have to pay rent and I couldn't afford to stay in city for the summer as I am also going away for a month. So there was this death of my city life that I have had for the last 2 years and a rebirth of getting back to nature. So even though I didn't get to make the decision fully I feel as if I am ready to get back to fresh air and green every where.

I was having a conversation with my Granny this week, she is getting some trees removed because the had died. The guy at the tree removal company said that those trees lived along time considering their short life span. I was kind of taken aback the trees had designated life spans like humans.... But it shouldn't be surprising at all actually every living thing has a life span. I had just never thought of it before. But my Granny said something really true... Everything has to die eventually to make room for the rebirth.

 Even though you don't always get to make the full decision on whats happening in your life remember its just making room for something greater. Even though I moved out of my apartment I am moving to a better place and getting back to my roots. And the trees may have died but they will make room for new flowers, new life.

"Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as it you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it" Eckhart Tolle


1 comment:

  1. Spoken like a true yogi(ni)... Thanks for sharing Katie!
